Meet Stacey

Stacey Quade is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor (CHTP/I) and Herbalist living and practicing in Duluth, MN.

Stacey Quade, CHTP/I, Herbalist, has maintained a private practice in Healing Touch-energy based therapy and Herbal Medicine since 2002 in Duluth, MN. She is Certified to teach the first two levels of course curriculum through Healing Beyond Borders. Stacey recently retired from 33 years of Occupational therapy at Essentia Health (1988 to 2022). Those years have helped her to hone her skills in the practical application of whole health.

Stacey’s herbal experience stems from a lifelong relationship with plants and nature. Structured learning and clinical education began in 2002.Herbal products are available through direct sales and in community at the Duluth Whole Foods Co-op and other local businesses.

Stacey teaches classes on a variety of wellness topics, including energetic principles, diet/nutrition and lifestyle basics and herbalism in the Duluth area and surrounding communities.

“I view my life holistically and incorporate the principles of what I teach and share in my own daily practice to serve myself, my community and the earth.”

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