*Note* – Prices are product prices only. Additional charges are added for the time it takes to carefully prepare and ship your order.
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Vital Vinegar
Singing Nettle infused with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.
Provides a vitamin and mineral immune boost! Take 1-2 teaspoons daily or add to salads, stir-frys, etc.
Learn more about the Benefits of Stinging Nettle and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (PDF)
$20.00 – Pint
$10.00 – Half Pint

Seasonal Berry Vinaigrette
Home grown herbs and hand picked wild berries to flavor your dressings and marinades in a fabulous way. Batches vary from year to year, but can often include raspberries, blueberries, bunchberries, thimbleberries, and gooseberries – YUM!
$20.00 – Pint bottle
$10.00 – Half Pint

Hair Raisin’ Cider
Stacey’s version – with spices and herbs gives you a “kick” in supporting your health.
$10.00/half pint