Herbs and Remedies

Energy for Life Connection is proud to offer a variety of dried herbs, herbal remedies, herb consultations, and herbal wellness products for persons in the Duluth and Twin Ports area of Minnesota and Wisconsin and beyond.

Herbs and herbal remedies are a gentle and proactive way to enhance and help you balance your total health.

Single herbs and herb combination can be very specific to each individual’s health needs.

Some herbs need to be used with caution. Therefore, it is always a good idea to schedule a consultation with me, either in person or by phone, to get the best combination for yourself. The herbal products I offer are blended to meet the general needs for many people. However, they can be all be adapted for more effective benefits to your individual needs.

All herbs are grown in organic accordance or wildcrafted in areas that are known to be safe, or are ordered from environmentally aware herb companies.

Where to find Stacey’s Herbal Remedies

Whole Foods Co-op Duluth (Two Locations)

610 E 4th Street Duluth, MN 55805
4426 Grand Ave, Duluth, MN  55807

FAX: (218) 728-0490

Products Sold:
Comfrey Lotion and Balm
Skin “Salve”ation Lotion and Balm
Fantastic Four
Pine and Cedar Soother

Feel free to browse our remedies for aches and pains, skin soothers, herbal seasonings, our sweetgrass and sage bundles, and the tinctures and teas we prepare.

To order herbal remedies or small herb batches (6 oz. or less for each), contact Energy for Life Connection for a consultation!

Pay with PayPal!
Send in your order form and specify to have Stacey email a detailed PayPal invoice for you to pay online!


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