Healing Touch

Healing Touch is:

Stacey Quade

  • An energetic approach to healing using light touch or near body touch techniques that influence the human bio-field to restore balance and help a person self heal.
  • Complimentary to traditional medical care.
  • Endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association
  • Beneficial in itself or in combination with other therapies
  • A cooperative healing partnership between client and Healing Touch Practitioner.
  • Focused on the whole person – Body, Mind, and Spirit.

The goal of healing touch is to restore harmony and balance, creating an optimal environment for a person’s innate ability for healing to occur.

Healing Touch benefits all of the following conditions and many others:
Chronic and acute pain, All musculo-skeletal issues
Inflammation, Infection, Physical and emotional stress
Headaches/Migranes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Fibromyalgia, Menstrual/Menopausal problems
ADD/ADHD, Cancer, Digestive Problems
Anxiety/Depression, Post traumatic stress
Pre/post surgical care, Wound healing, Personal growth
Supporting life transitions, Spiritual growth

What to Expect from a Session with Stacey:

  • Session length from 1 1/2 to 2 hours
  • Full intake assessment and evaluation
  • Collaborative goal setting to meet your individual needs
  • Comprehensive treatment which can include: Healing Touch Energy Work, Herbal Remedies, Nutritional Information, Exercises, and recommendations/handouts to take home.
  • Healing Touch sessions are typically completed while the client lies on a treatment table with clothes on.
  • Modifications for persons with physical limitations.
  • Treatment space is fully wheelchair accessible

Affordable Rates

$30.00/person for small group classes

Phone consultations under 20 minutes are free of charge. If a longer consultation is needed, an appointment time with the hourly rate charge can be scheduled, either on the phone or by video/zoom.

Distance healing sessions available via phone or video as well.

Please fill out the form on my Herbal and Energy Consults page.

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