Healing Touch Practice Group
April 20th 5 to 730 PM
Energy for Life Connection
507 N Blackman Ave
Limited to 6
RSVP by March 13th to reserve your place!
The North Central Healing Touch 18th regional gathering was a fantastic day of enriching self care.
Recording available at :
Registration for Course 2 May 14-15 early bird pricing ends soon! check it out –http://www.energyforlifeconnection.com/wp-content/uploads/april2leveloneduluth.pdf
I had the opportunity to speak at the state nurse educators conference at the DECC last week. It was uplifting to see the changes they are trying to incorporate in nursing education to include more holistic and integrative approaches to the students!
I also had the opportunity to be a vendor at both of these conferences- I still have lots of fresh topicals and tinctures for your needs.
Get them now while they are at their peak freshness!