Pricing for Healing Touch:
Individual sessions – $60/hour
Small group sessions – $30/person for groups of three (3) or more
Pricing for Great Lake Therapies and
Sessions with Joseph Quade:
Individual session – $60/hour
Integrated Session with both Stacey and Joseph:
Individual session – $120/hour
Looking for a fun relaxing class, session, or activity for you and your spouse or friend(s)? Couples and group packages available-contact Stacey for a custom fit!
Client forms for Healing Touch:
Healing Touch HIPAA Compliance (PDF)
Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Client Bill of Rights (PDF)
Healing Touch and Manual Therapies Intake form (PDF)
Herbal Products and Dry Herb Ordering:
Pay with PayPal!
Contact Stacey with your list of products, herbs, teas or specific needs, and she will email a detailed PayPal invoice for you to pay online!
Herbal and Energetic Resources:
Free Salad – Amaranth and Purslane (PDF)
Favorite Books (PDF)
Benefits of Stinging Nettles and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (PDF)
Diet and Nutrition Tips (PDF)
Self-Forgiveness Technique (PDF)
Forgiveness of Others (PDF)
Native Lodge Cleansing (PDF)
Chinese Clock (PDF)
Eliminating Energy Toxicity Using EFT (PDF)
Disconnect and Protect (PDF)
Dahn Yoga Principles: Toe Tapping Exercise (Video)